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Boys State Commission Approved Charter Bus Policy

The American Legion California Boys State Commission Approved Charter Bus Policy and Process

The Boys State Commission has published their charter bus policy and process for 2020. Below you will find some of the highlights. To read the complete document: CLICK HERE

Financial Analysis
The following are the key points of the Single Charter Bus Contract:
• 16 Charter Buses are required
o It appears that 10 drivers will have overnight requirements
• The 16 buses have the same pickup/drop off points as 2019
• Including Hotel Expense for those Districts with Delegates traveling overnight:
o 7 buses have an increase in price over 2019
o When the reduced Delegate fees are considered, 13 of 16 buses have a lower cost than 2019.
The project was administered by Director Gary Leach, Chief Counselor Tim Aboudara, Sr., Assistant Chief Counselor Bill Denson and Program Administrator Ted Hillyer.

In summary, the decision to move forward by the California Boys State Commission met all of the goals set forth by the Department, the Commission and the needs and concerns of the Boys State Staff:
• Streamline the arrival and departure process for Delegates being transported by charter bus.
• The ability to work with one provider to ensure that every possible step was taken to ensure the safety of our Delegates.
• Provide appropriate supervision of Delegates to and from the program.
• Simplify the transportation process for District Chairs
• Have a single place to go in the event of transportation problems
• Provide a solution that was fiscally responsible. (In the end, the cumulative expense over 2019 was reduced by almost 10%.)

Author: caLegion Contributor

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