Beginning as of June 2021, I have been reappointed as the Amateur Radio Commissioner for Area 6 to the American Legion, and chair of the Amateur Radio Commission of the Department of California.
You may be aware that the American Legion National Office maintains The American Legion Armature Radio Club (“TALARC”) that provides certain services to all Legion members who are FCC licensed amateur radio operators. However, the National Office has decided to scale back such support. More responsibility will fall on each post to establish amateur radio if so desired.
As chairman, one of my goals is to inventory the posts to collect the information to plan activities based on the attached survey.
This inventory will be used to determine interest in establishing amateur radio clubs and getting members licensed. I would appreciate it if you could circulate the enclosed survey to your posts.
If you could, please share this survey.
Gerald Wells, KJ6KWS, is chairman of the Amateur Radio Commission.