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California Veterans news roundup: May 15, 2023

Fighter craft of the Tuskegee Airmen lined up in Ramitelli, Italy sometime in March, 1945. (Photo: Toni Frissell)

This week’s roundup on California Veterans news honors former Tuskegee Airman Henry D. Polite of Los Angeles, who is best remembered as a “family man.” 

We have also collected updates from the VA and DoD, details on a Veterans job fair in Kern County, a Memorial Day ceremony co-hosted by Post 66 in San Luis Obispo, and more. 

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Author: Christian Southards

Coming from a family with a proud military background and wanting to contribute his writing skills to a worthy cause, Christian began writing for the California American Legion in August of 2020. His father is a 25-year Army Veteran and his grandfather served in the Navy during Vietnam.

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