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Candidate for Alternate National Executive Committeeman: Eric Measles

Eric Measles

Eric Measles, Candidate for Alternate National Executive Committeeman

Your Voice, Your Vote! Many of you know me and know of my ‘time in service’ to The American Legion. I trust that many of you reading this may not know of me. Therefore, let me give you some background on my ‘time in service.

I served Honorably in the United States Army (1969-1971) as a Medical Supply Specialist. My overseas duty was in Yongsan, Korea at Seoul Military Hospital.

I am a thirty plus year member of The American Legion. A Life Member of Ronald Reagan-Palisades Post 283. I served through all Chairs of my Post and the 24th District. I have served as Department Vice Commander, Sixth Area. I have been active on numerous Commissions, Committees, and Councils at all levels and served as Chairman or Vice Chairman of many of those appointments. I am currently serving on the National Internal Affairs Commission.

I have been recognized for my efforts by the National Organization, specifically as National Legislative Council Member of the Year in 2012.

I truly believe that I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience throughout my 30 years in The American Legion. Experience that cannot be gained only by classroom time. On the job, in person, working with ‘the team’ is the best way. I was blessed with mentors that demonstrated that actions speak louder than words, which led me to a lifetime of networking, sharing, and camaraderie. I believe all of these are necessary to perform the office I am seeking.

I also believe that I am very well qualified to serve as Alt. National Executive Committeeman and support the N.E.C. in his duties. I am well aware of the duties of the position and have attended numerous National Executive Committee meetings. I know the job and am ready, willing, and able to serve California in this capacity.

I have a sincere desire to continue my service to The American Legion and all my brothers and sisters, as we strive to better serve all our veterans.

My desire to serve our Nation came from a history of military service in my family. My father was a career soldier and met my mother in Paris after WWII. They believed that our freedoms are not free and we owe thanks to all that serve our Country.  This instilled my need to serve. I believed that growing up and I still believe that, to this day.

Eric W. Measles

For additional candidate information, visit Officer Candidates.

Author: caLegion Contributor

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