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Candidate for Department Commander: Nick Rosa

Nick Rosa, Candidate for Department Commander

Nick Rosa, Candidate for Department Commander

Nick Rosa is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam era,
Assigned to the 32nd Street Marine Detachment at Miramar Naval Air Station Marine barracks, San Diego, Ca. as a Military Police. 1974 – 1976.

I am honored to have the opportunity to campaign and seek your endorsement for the high office of American Legion Department of California Commander for the upcoming year 2024 – 2025.


Worked 26 years at “IEE” Industrial Electronic Engineering in the city of Van Nuys, Ca.
I.E.E. Designs and manufactures ruggedized displays for military application. Protecting America!

Legion Resume:


Currently: Legislative assigned to Congresswoman Judy Chu.
Membership South 2022 – 2023.
Area 4 Vice Commander 2021 – 2022.
Assistant Sergeant At Arms 2018 – 2019.
Area 4 Membership Chair 2016 – 2019.

Los Angeles County Council:

Vice Commander 2018 – 2019.


District 19, Judge Advocate 2018 – present.
District 19, Commander 2016 – 2017.
District 19, 1st Vice Commander 2015 – 2016.
District 19, 2nd Vice Commander 2014 – 2015.


Eugene A. Obregon Post 804, E.L.A.  2005 – present.
Post 804, Commander 2013 – 2015.
Post 804, 1st Vice Commander 2010 – 2013.
Post 804, 2nd Vice Commander 2006 – 2009.


Past Commanders Club outpost #19, 2014 – present.
Marine Corps League Detachment 1347,  2011 – present.
Commandant 2013 – 2015.
40 et 8 Voiture 1450, 2017 – present.


My daughter Cassandra is a member of Auxiliary Unit 272 and my son Nicholas is a S.A.L. member of Star Post 309.
I have 4 grandchildren ( 3 boys & 1 girl ) Samuel, Catalina, Anthony & Michale.
My better half Cindy is also a member of Auxiliary Unit 272, Montebello, Ca.

I would like to thank everyone for their support and the great hospitality given to us during our campaign,

As we traveled up and down the state of California visiting different Post form Area 1 to the North and Area 5 to the south,

If elected, In my performance of this high office as Department Commander, I will lead with dignity, honor to the highest esteem, and move forward the programs started by my predecessors.

I would like to take this time to thank you for your Support and Confidence in me to lead as the next American Legion Department Commander.

“Mentoring Future Leaders to Create a Strong Legacy”

Nicholas Rosa
For God and Country

For additional candidate information, visit Officer Candidates.

Author: caLegion Contributor

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