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“Challenges and Opportunities” Forum for Women Veterans Taking Place at American Legion Palisades Post 283 on March 2

women service members at retreat

Service Members engage in a retreat for women at Osan Air Base, 2012 (Photo: Staff Sgt. Craig Cisek)

Join The American Legion Palisades Post 283 in Pacific Palisades, CA, on March 2 for the “Challenges and Opportunities” forum for Women Veterans. Doors open at 10 a.m. for this free event, providing a platform for women who have served to connect and discuss the unique hurdles and pathways they encounter post-service.

With limited space available, interested individuals are encouraged to RSVP promptly to secure their attendance. Lunch will be provided. 

For more information and to register, visit the event page.

Attendees can expect networking opportunities and insightful discussions highlighting the various support systems available to them. Professionals will be on hand to address inquiries regarding Veterans benefits, medical care, education, and employment. 

Eligible attendees can take advantage of a special offer: one year of free membership to The American Legion. This opportunity provides access to a supportive community and valuable resources for Veterans.

The event also features vendor booths, raffle prizes, and a designated activity area for children, courtesy of the Mindful Veteran Project for KIDS.

Keynote speaker Virginia Wimmer, Deputy Secretary of Women Veteran Affairs at CalVet, brings a wealth of experience and insight to the discussion. Wimmer’s distinguished career includes 26 years of service in the U.S. Air Force, where she held various roles before retiring as a Senior Master Sergeant in 2012. Notably, she played an instrumental role in establishing San Joaquin County’s Veterans Treatment Court, providing support to Veterans within the criminal justice system who qualify for treatment and court supervision as an alternative to incarceration.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and celebrate the incredible contributions of women in the military.

Author: Rikki Almanza

Rikki is a Web Content Coordinator for the American Legion, Department of California. With a deep-rooted connection to the military, a spouse who is a Navy veteran, a father who served in the Air Force for 25 years, and a grandfather who proudly served, Rikki is committed to using her skills and knowledge to provide valuable assistance and resources to servicemembers and veterans.

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