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Commissions: An overview

Commissions presentation graphic


By Rick Pushies,
Department Web Team
Technical Advisor, Media & Communications Commission

Commissions and committees are a big part of how The American Legion serves our veterans, their families, and our communities.

Our department bylaws define our commissions. The Department Commander appoints all commissioners, vice-chairpersons, and chairpersons. The Commissions PowerPoint presentation covers more about how commissioners are appointed.  It also discusses our department’s commission web pages.

Every California commission has a web page on the Department of California website. The web page content is a commission’s responsibility, and California-specific page content is preferred. Links to the commission web page are on the Commissions & Committees web page, where all the commissions are listed alphabetically. 

A growing number of commissions are working with the Department Web Team to improve web page content by providing information about their commission. The Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation (VA&R) Commission is one of them. John Aldridge, VA&R Commission Chair, and Chris Yate, Technical Advisor, both helped provide much of the current page content for the VA&R web page. It is a good example of what a commission web page can offer.

A fair number of commissions have not yet taken advantage of the opportunity their web page offers to tell their commission’s story. Hopefully, this presentation will help them understand the value of providing quality content for their commission web age. The Web Team is here to help all our commissions tell the good story of what they do. 

THANK YOU! To all the Legionnaires who contributed to or supported our Commissions presentation we say – Thank You! Your feedback, contributions, and support improved the presentation considerably.

Author: Web Team

Rick is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War era. He serves as a Technical Advisor to the Media and Communications Commission. He is a member of the Department Web Team. Rick received the Otto Hasse Legionnaire of the Year Award in 2016, Department of California Award for work on the department website in 2019, and in 2023 Rick received The American Legion Medal of Merit from the Department of California.

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