Site icon California American Legion

COVID-19 Relief Grant Program first round deadline has been extended to Jan. 13

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The California Small Business (and non-profit) COVID-19 Relief Grant Program first round deadline has been extended to Jan. 13.  The program has received a lot of interest and the program’s website has been updated daily.  Please pass this on to all of your posts, chapters, etc.

Initially, the program was only for businesses and 501 (c) (3) nonprofits.  Our office, which represents veterans groups at the Capitol, contacted the Governor’s office, the Legislature, CalVet, and the head of the CA Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), and requested that 501 (c) (19) non-profit orgs also be eligible so that veterans service orgs could also take advantage of the program.  Go-Biz promptly responded that they were going to change the eligibility rules to accommodate veterans orgs.

The grant program’s website is:

Orgs apply by the county they are in.  For each county, there are various partners that you can apply through.  It does not really matter which partner you choose, the process is all the same.

New dates and deadlines for Round 1 of the grant program:

Author: Seth Reeb

Seth Reeb of Reeb Government Relations is veterans legislative advocate for the American Legion Department of California and a member of El Dorado Post 119.

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