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Department holds first membership workshop

American Legion membership workshop at Department of California headquarters in Sanger, California, on the last weekend of August.

The American Legion Department of California held a membership workshop the last weekend in August at its headquarters in Sanger, California.

During the last weekend in August, the Membership Committee met for the Department’s first ever membership workshop.  The purpose of the four-day workshop was to create a mission and vision statement for the 2020-2021 membership year; receive instructions on how to train and give presentations at the Area and District levels; and learn how the Department does membership.

The weekend included team building training and exercises, instruction on how to navigate and; and teaching on membership processing using, which included a membership processing lab with hands-on training. The team was educated on how to engage our members through Buddy Checks, and good practices; how to read the Department reports; organizing a district recruiting event; start a new post; revitalize a struggling post; and close/merge a dead or dying post.

The weekend culminated on Sunday when the team developed a Mission and Vision Statement for the 2020-2021 membership year and developed expectations for the team; the department, districts and posts. These concepts are to be communicated at each level of the department by the area membership team at your next area and district meetings.

Those in attendance included, the membership committee, North Membership, E. Paul Ball; South Membership, Nick Rosa; Area 2 Membership Carlos Venegas; Area 3 Membership Andy Reeve; Area 4 Membership Martin Martinez; Area 5 Membership Tracy Rascoe; and Area 6 Membership David Gibson. Certain Department of California staff were also present, Membership Engagement Specialists Sue Dewbre, Elaine Jalomo, and Kelly Cisneros, along with Membership Coordinator, Sharadea Martinez. Also present and conducting training were Paul Brown, Department Adjutant; Paula Bibby, Membership Director; Autrey James, Training Committee Chairman; and Barbara Lombrano, and Jere Romano, training committee members. Finally, the Department Commander, Ed Grimsley, was also in attendance and whole-heartedly gave his support to the training and the membership plan.

The 2021 Department of California Membership Committee Mission Statement is simple: Retain and Increase Membership. We are asking all area and district commanders to work closely with your respective area membership team members to identify and assist struggling posts. Your area membership team is ready, trained, and motivated to help. We are all part of the membership team, and now more than ever we need to value and keep the members we already have by promoting member engagement and best practices at all levels of the department. Again, remember the four-word 2021 Membership Committee Mission Statement: Retain and Increase Membership.

God Bless, stay safe and continue to work membership.

Author: Paula Bibby

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