Site icon California American Legion

Honoring the Mission

Honoring the Mission

Honoring the Mission

Dr. Kathy CashOur foundation of the American Legion begins with the declaration “for God and country.” In the heart lies a sacred mission: to serve the needs of our beloved Veterans. Let us pause and reflect on this noble purpose, rekindling our passion and commitment to those who have served. As comrades, let us reevaluate our respect for one another, from our local posts to our administrative staff and to our leadership. Through unity and mutual understanding, we can forge a stronger, more cohesive community. Furthermore, let us encourage both current and future generations of Veterans through our actions and words. Let us lead by example, embodying the values of faith, patriotism, and selflessness. Together, let us renew our dedication to God and country, ensuring that our organization remains a beacon of hope and support for all who have served.

For God and Country,

Dr. Kathy Cash
CA Department Chaplain

Author: Web Team

Rick is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War era. He serves as a Technical Advisor to the Media and Communications Commission. He is a member of the Department Web Team. Rick received the Otto Hasse Legionnaire of the Year Award in 2016, Department of California Award for work on the department website in 2019, and in 2023 Rick received The American Legion Medal of Merit from the Department of California.

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