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Important veteran bills signed, others still on the table

state capitol of california

The Governor signed a series of veterans and military related bills in to law this weekend. Note that SB 837 by Senator Tom Umberg fulfills the longtime goal of veterans orgs to remove the fee to obtain the “VETERAN” designation on the drivers license and ID cards. There are still some veterans bills on the Governor’s desk. Please send this to your members.

SB 1193, Newman. Department of Motor Vehicles: electronic notifications and transactions.

Existing law requires a state department, including the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), or a division, officer, employee, or agent, to give various notices or communications to persons and requires that whenever that notice is required to be given, the notice is to be given by personal delivery, by certified mail, or by mail.

This bill would, among other things, for a provision of the Vehicle Code or of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations that requires the DMV to mail, notify, deliver via certified or first class mail, provide information in written form, or otherwise references the use of paper, a writing, or the mail to convey information to a person, authorize that requirement to be satisfied by electronic notification, if certain conditions are established by the DMV, including that the person consented to the electronic receipt of the document or information delivered. The bill would authorize the DMV to adopt regulations to implement these provisions and would make conforming changes.

Existing law requires a person to have a valid license or temporary permit issued by the DMV to act as a vehicle salesperson and requires the DMV to issue a license bearing a fullface photograph of the licensed vehicle salesperson, among other information, upon their application for the license.

This bill would authorize the DMV to require a photograph at the time of the license renewal.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 12811 of the Vehicle Code proposed by SB 837 to be operative only if this bill and SB 837 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.

For full text of the bills, visit:


Author: Seth Reeb

Seth Reeb of Reeb Government Relations is veterans legislative advocate for the American Legion Department of California and a member of El Dorado Post 119.

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