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Medal of Honor Mission – SFC Jorge Otero Barreto (RET)

Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor

This Post was written by Bryce Mallory: a Legionnaire out of Post 118 in Danville, Indiana.

My name is Bryce Mallory, and I am a Legionnaire out of Post 118 in Danville, Indiana. A few years ago, I lived in Puerto Rico for a year and a half. I was there during hurricane Maria. During that time I volunteered at Post 14 in Vega Baja, PR. Jorge Otero was the post commander then and I became very close with him.

Here is a glowing article from the American Legion Magazine:

Jorge served five all voluntary tours in Vietnam and was awarded (3) silver stars, (5) bronze stars, and (5) purple hearts. I, and many others, believe that he should be recognized with the Medal of Honor before he dies. At 85 years old, Jorge has been battling the effects of Agent Orange exposure and time is very short. There is an official process and protocol for the Medal of Honor that is currently being exercised. This mission is rallying public support also. In order for this mission to be successful, 100% public support will need to be obtained during one of the most politically divided times in our nation. But we still believe in the American Spirit and nothing is impossible. We ask that you look into this petition, sign it, and share it. Share it with a fellow Legionnaire, Auxiliary member, Sons of the Legion member, or a legion rider. Share this petition on your home posts Facebook page, your districts Facebook page, even your states Facebook page.

Here is the petition:

We would also like to ask that you take a look at the following video. This is Jorge’s first hand account of the Battle of Phuoc Yen. This Battle resulted in the largest mass surrender of the Vietnam War and is one of the greatest stories of a small element bringing the fight to a numerically superior force in American Military History.


Interview Request:

Author: caLegion Contributor

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