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Membership renewal training; Membership job opening at National HQ

April 26th Training Tuesday Topic: Membership Renewals

The American Legion’s virtual Training Tuesday session on April 26 will be on membership renewals and the Consolidated Post Report and Consolidated Squadron Report. Attend the training at 7 p.m. Eastern time through this Microsoft Teams link. Or visit

National Membership & Post Activities Committee Chairman Jay Bowen of Colorado, along with National Headquarters staff, will present on the latest membership metrics and the importance of filling out a Consolidated Post Report and Consolidated Squadron Report.

Missed a Training Tuesday session? All recorded sessions are archived on the Training Tuesday web page.

Job Opening at National Headquarters

National HQ is hiring a Member Engagement Coordinator. The job description is attached and also available on Indeed via this link: Member Engagement Coordinator.  If interested, please contact HR Deputy Director, Kashi Russell:

Author: caLegion Contributor

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