Site icon California American Legion

Online Event: Learn About Construction and Building Trade Jobs

veterans trade event

Veterans: Senator Josh Newman asked us directly to help get the word out about this program for building trades.  Senator Newman is an Army veteran and member of the Senate Military and Veterans Affairs Committee.  Prior to being elected to the Senate, he ran a non-profit to assist young military veterans in the pursuit of rewarding, career-oriented employment following the completion of their own military service.

Please see the attachment for details on the June 8 Veteran Career Pathways Zoom event which will offer young veterans a first-hand overview of career opportunities within the construction & building trades who are in search of talented veterans.

Learn about the current job opportunities and career paths. Have your questions answered about what they are looking for, the first steps, and how to best navigate their hiring processes.


Wednesday, June 8
5-7 p.m. 

Download flyer (pdf)


Author: caLegion Contributor

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