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Prioritizing Women Veterans’ Health during National Women’s Health Week

elderly woman practicing yoga

(Photo: Marcus Aurelius)

National Women’s Health Week is celebrated annually from Mother’s Day to May 18 and encourages women, including Women Veterans, to prioritize their physical and mental health through preventive measures, regular screenings, and seeking support when needed.

Women Veterans can improve their overall wellbeing and quality of life by taking the following proactive steps:

Regular Health Checkups

Getting regular health check-ups, including yearly well-woman exams and discussions with healthcare providers about any health concerns is highly recommended. These check-ups allow for early detection and prevention strategies.

Balanced Diet

An essential element of maintaining overall health is adhering to a nutritious diet. This includes consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats while minimizing salt, saturated fats, and added sugars. For women of childbearing age, taking folic acid daily is recommended to mitigate the risk of birth defects. Moderate alcohol consumption is also advised.

Physical Activity

Physical activity plays an essential role in improving overall health. Women are encouraged to incorporate at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, coupled with strength-training exercises on two or more days. These activities not only reduce the risk of chronic diseases but also improve balance and prevent falls, particularly for older women.

Prioritize Mental Health

Prioritizing mental health is equally important. Simple practices like deep breathing, exercising, and connecting with loved ones can significantly impact one’s emotional wellbeing. Seeking professional help when needed and engaging in activities that bring joy are also emphasized.

Menstruation and Menopause

Maintaining healthy habits during menstruation and menopause is stressed, along with adopting strategies for staying physically healthy, such as preventive healthcare, adequate sleep, and avoiding substance misuse. Building and nurturing support networks is encouraged, as is seeking assistance if experiencing prolonged stress or mental health crises.

Assessing Wellbeing

For Women Veterans, self-assessment regarding rest, stress management, and medical needs is recommended.

VA Services

VA services are available to support Women Veterans in accessing tailored healthcare. These services include Women Veteran program managers, women’s health primary care providers, maternity care coordinators, mental health champions, and LGBTQ+ Veteran care coordinators.

Preventive Care and Screening

Regular check-ups, screenings, and immunizations are important for early detection and management of common health conditions among Women Veterans. Preventive health measures, including toxic exposure screenings and mental health support for issues like PTSD and Military Sexual Trauma, are also provided.

Seeking Support

The Women Veterans Call Center website is available for information, eligibility verification, enrollment, and appointment scheduling. The Women Veterans Call Center can be reached at 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636).

Author: Rikki Almanza

Rikki is a Web Content Coordinator for the American Legion, Department of California. With a deep-rooted connection to the military, a spouse who is a Navy veteran, a father who served in the Air Force for 25 years, and a grandfather who proudly served, Rikki is committed to using her skills and knowledge to provide valuable assistance and resources to servicemembers and veterans.

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