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The American Legion Advocates for Measures to Support Veterans’ Education and Economic Opportunities in House Subcommittee Hearing

Kevin O'Neil

Kevin O’Neil, a Senior Policy Associate for The Legion’s Veterans Employment and Education Division, represented The Legion before the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. (Photo: American Legion HQ)

During a House subcommittee hearing on June 12, The American Legion voiced its endorsement for legislation that improves educational and economic opportunities for Veterans and Service Members.

Kevin O’Neil, Senior Policy Associate for The Legion’s Veterans Employment and Education Division, presented testimony to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. O’Neil emphasized The Legion’s support for two key bills focused on improving education and training for Veterans.

H.R. 8529, the Warriors to Workforce Act

H.R. 8529, known as the Warriors to Workforce Act, seeks to raise the monthly basic housing allowance provided by the VA during the first year of full-time apprenticeships or on-the-job training programs. The Legion’s belief, backed by Resolution 296, is that no Veteran should have to abandon their education due to housing costs.

“If enacted, this bill will be a crucial step in ensuring Veterans receive the necessary support to transition smoothly into civilian careers,” O’Neil stated.

H.R. 7543, the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2024

H.R. 7543, the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2024, extends Post-9/11 educational benefits to National Guard and Reserve members. O’Neil emphasized their critical role in national efforts, including border security, pandemic response, and law enforcement support, often at significant personal and financial sacrifice. Despite their contributions, these Service Members frequently miss out on key benefits like the GI Bill. The Legion, through Resolution No. 24, advocates for counting every day in uniform towards GI Bill eligibility, asserting that all service days should be recognized.

VA Housing Loan Forever Act

Additionally, The Legion supports the VA Housing Loan Forever Act, which proposes allowing the transfer of housing loan benefits to spouses and children of Service Members and Veterans. O’Neil noted that supporting Veterans’ families is integral to supporting the broader military community. This stance is supported by Resolution No. 8.

In written testimony, The Legion expressed support for several other legislative measures:

H.R. 8560, the End Veteran Homelessness Act of 2024

This bill proposes enhancements to the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing, HUD-VASH, program, including streamlining case management for vulnerable Veterans, advocating for an annual report detailing services and staff qualifications, and clarifying rental assistance for homeless or at-risk Veterans. The Legion’s backing is affirmed by Resolutions 357 and 332.

H.R. 7920, the AG VETS Act

Recognizing the potential of Veterans in agriculture, this bill directs the Secretary of Agriculture to establish grants for Veteran-focused farming and ranching opportunities. The Legion’s support is documented through Resolutions 318, 296, and 25.

H.R. 7896, the VETS Opportunity Act of 2024

This bill addresses the shortcomings of the Post-9/11 GI Bill in supporting Veterans in hybrid skilled trade training programs. It seeks to extend educational benefits to these hybrid programs. The Legion’s endorsement is via Resolution No. 14.

H.R. 8661, the Reforming Education for Veterans Act

This bill helps Service Members in managing their education during active duty periods, streamlines compliance surveys for institutions with multiple campuses, and mandates VA notifications for handbook updates. These reforms safeguard educational benefits and simplify administrative processes, supported by Resolution 318.

H.R. 8646, the Modernizing the Veterans On-Campus Experience Act of 2024

This bill seeks to improve on-campus educational and vocational counseling provided by the VA, addressing issues related to the shortage of qualified personnel and administrative burdens. The Legion supports this through Resolutions 318 and 343.

H.R. 8627, the Student Veteran Debt Relief Act of 2024

The Student Veteran Debt Relief Act of 2024 eases the financial burden of overpayment recovery for Veterans in education, this bill proposes measures such as non-liability for VA errors, hardship waivers, and payment plans. The Legion’s support is demonstrated through Resolutions 228 and 59.

H.R. 8647, the VA Home Loan Program Reform Act

This bill authorizes the VA Secretary to take measures to prevent or resolve defaults on VA-guaranteed housing loans, addressing foreclosure risks exacerbated by the pandemic. The Legion supports this initiative under Resolution No. 8.

Author: Rikki Almanza

Rikki is a Web Content Coordinator for the American Legion, Department of California. With a deep-rooted connection to the military, a spouse who is a Navy veteran, a father who served in the Air Force for 25 years, and a grandfather who proudly served, Rikki is committed to using her skills and knowledge to provide valuable assistance and resources to servicemembers and veterans.

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