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The tall black boots

black boots

The tall black boots

When I exited my car recently at our local grocery store, I was confronted by a gentleman who gruffly asked if that was my car. With a puzzled look I answered yes. The man continued on to say, “Well, I saw the disabled veteran plate and wondered what’s wrong with you. You seem to look just fine to me. I don’t understand why young people like you (get to be) considered disabled.”

It was at that point I decided it was vital to share something that’s been on my mind for years. I, like many veterans, struggle to deal with a disease that is slowly killing me on the inside. It doesn’t matter how fine I look on the outside. The pure ignorance of humanity can take a big toll on some of us. We aren’t always the strong soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen we used to be.

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Author: caLegion Contributor

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