Location: Visalia Convention Center, 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia, CA 93291
Mandatory District and Area Forms are due June 1.
These forms are crucial to help us properly plan for convention. Please submit today.

Meet The Candidates
June 23, 2023, From 5-8 PM
Pre-Order Tickets $50.00*, $60.00 at the door
Granite Room Marriott, Visalia Convention Center
Proceeds for this event go to support California’s Endorsed Candidate for National Commander
*Admission includes two drinks, light Hors d’oeuvres, KJ Karaoke (Battle of the Areas Contest), Wooden Horse Racing & More

Please refer any questions to Sharon Moore at 323-574-2275.
Convention Documents
- Book of Reports
- Event Program
- Convention Operating Rules (posted 6/8/2022 )
- Convention Agenda (6/21/2023)
- Convention Training Schedule (6/23/2023)
- Committee Meeting Schedule
- President’s Banquet Reservation form
Past Commanders Club (PCC)
Convention Zoom Links
June 22nd at 9 AM – Pre-DEC
June 23rd at 9 AM – Opening Session
June 24th at 9 AM – 104th Department Convention Continued
June 25th at 9 AM – Closing of the 104th Department Convention / Post DEC
Show Your Badge
Many businesses in the Visalia area are offering special discounts for Legionnaires who show their delegate or alternate badge from the American Legion State Convention.
Discount options include food, boutiques, entertainment, and much more!
From the Constitution and Bylaws Commission
Resolution Results
Convention Resolution Log Sheet (as of 7/10)
Proposed Resolutions
2023-001 Department Video Gaming Committee (Bylaws Change)
2023-002 Rename Aeronautical Commission (Bylaws Change)
2023-006 Department Women Committee (Bylaws Change)
2023-007 Term Limits for Department Officers (06-13-2023)
2023-008 Reopen Closed-to-New Interment National Cemeteries
2023-009 Renaming the Mare Island Clinic
2023-2013 Funding for California’s Endorsed Candidate for National Commander (6/21/2023)
2023-014 Redistricting Area 3 into Two Areas (06/07/2023)
2023-016 Military Veterans Suicide in the United States
2023-017 Endorsement for Gary B. Leach for National Vice Commander
2023-018 Amend Department Bylaws Concerning Boys State (Bylaws Change)
2023-020 Making the Mental Health Ad-Hoc Committee a permanent Department of California Committee (Posted 6/20/2023)
2023-021 Be The One and TruConnect (Posted 6/21/2023)