
This page contains archives of important digital documents of the Department of California.  There is also a link to the Digital Archives of The American Legion website.

The California Legionnaire is an official publication of The American Legion, Department of California. The Legionnaire is published in print and online quarterly: February, May, August & November.

California Legionnaire web page

Currently, our main distribution for the California Legionnaire is in the electronic PDF version attached to an email, sent to your email address. Therefore, it is important that we have an accurate and up-to-date email address for you.

Past Issues of the Legionnaire


National Website Digital Archives

Can’t find something?  Use the Digital Archive to search and view brochures, pamphlets, and special reports.

Visit The American Legion Digital Archive »


The popularity of online videos continues to grow. There are some great videos on the internet. We plan to share videos that help encourage, motivate, inspire, entertain, and educate our American Legion Family. We also plan to share some humor now and then. We hope you find the videos we share encouraging.

California Book of Reports logo

The annual Book of Reports is a year-end summary of reports by Department Officers and Officials. The Book of Reports also chronicles the names of those Legionnaires who have served as department officers, area vice commanders, district commanders or in other key roles in the department.

The “Last Bugle Call” portion of the Book of Reports records the names of Legionnaires who have passed away and transferred their membership to the Post Everlasting.


Past Issues of the Book of Reports