On Monday, August 14, at Veterans Field in Keeter Stadium, Shelby, N.C., Lincoln, NE, Post 3 team competed in Game 13 of The 2023 American Legion World Series. (Photo: Chet Strange, The American Legion)
The 2024 American Legion Baseball season is now accepting registrations on baseball.legion.org.
To simplify things, The American Legion has introduced a single sign-on system, allowing users to use one username and password for Legion.org, baseball.legion.org, and other national websites.
For those planning to start a new team or become a team administrator, register a user email account. Returning team administrators don’t have to re-register. Teams registering after May 15 might face a department late fee until the final deadline on June 1. Keep in mind that individual American Legion departments may have earlier registration deadlines, so it’s wise to check with your department chairman for specific state fees and deadlines.
Register for 2024 American Legion Baseball season here.
American Legion Baseball is a well-known amateur athletic league with an alumni base that includes over half of current Major League Baseball players. With about 3,500 teams participating each year, there’s room for new players and coaches to get involved. The league also relies on many umpires and volunteers.
Legionnaires interested in playing should reach out to their local Legion post. Contact details can be found on legion.org/baseball. Use the “Find a Post” feature by entering the city, state, and ZIP code. Players who didn’t make a team or were cut during tryouts can play for the post closest to their residence or keep trying with the next-closest posts until they find the right fit.
Coaches wanting to establish a team should contact the department baseball chairman in their state. Find a list of chairmen here. The department will send a new team packet, including state and national rules, insurance details, and registration forms. Start the team registration process at baseball.legion.org.
Local umpire associations usually supply umpires to departments. Department chairmen can nominate umpires for the national tournament, and umpires can also nominate each other.
Legion Baseball appreciates volunteers in various roles, from statisticians to game support like providing Gatorade. For more details on playing, coaching, umpiring, or volunteering, Legionnaires should reach out to their local Legion post.
As part of NEC Resolution No. 17 from October 2023 and the educational requirements of Public Law 115-126, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, all adult participants (coaches, managers, volunteers, and players aged 18 or older) must complete the Abuse Awareness course through either Protect Youth Sports or USA Baseball. A background check is also required. You can download The American Legion Baseball Risk Management Guidebook for more information.
For additional resources, visit The American Legion Baseball website here.