Santa Monica Post 123 Past Commander Anna Brown is recognized for almost 75 years of service to veterans in The American Legion during the Pasadena Post 13 Sons Hall of Fame on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019. (Photo: Jared Morgan)
Pasadena Post 13 hosted its 7th Annual Sons of The American Legion Hall of Fame induction ceremony on Nov. 16. The honorees were two legendary Legionnaires and one past national president of the American Legion Auxiliary. Honored were: Dan Dellinger, past national commander The American Legion; Anna Brown, 70-plus-year member The American Legion, past Department of California historian and WWII Marine; Linda Workman, past western division vice president. Honorees were introduced by close friends and associates and were escorted to the podium accompanied by the Master-at-Arms of the Sons of The American Legion to the tune of a bagpipe march.
The Sons of The American Legion Hall of Fame was established in 2012 at American Legion Post 13. While the Hall of Fame is hosted by Post 13, the organization and work to sustain the selection and induction ceremonies are managed by Squadron 13, who have had three SAL National Commanders rise from their ranks.
The Hall of Fame recognizes members of the Legion Family and American citizens whose contributions to The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and/or American veterans and their families who have been significant, substantial and longstanding. In addition to membership in the hall of fame itself, individuals and groups have been awarded the Amy Lorton Distinguished Service Award (DSA), presented to a deserving individual whose service has been exceptional and recent, but not meeting the criteria of full membership. This year’s Amy Lorton DSA awardee was Bill Bryant, SAL 7th District commander of the California Sons Detachment who has spearheaded the wildly successful “Helmets for Heroes” veterans’ fundraising effort.