Here’s an update on The American Legion California Boys State program:
- Samsung Scholarship Program for 2020: National Adjutant Dan Wheeler announced this past week that the Samsung Scholarship Program for 2020 has been cancelled. This is due, in part, that as of yesterday, 38 Boys State Programs have been cancelled for 2020. Again, another sad part of the COVD-19 Pandemic.
- Reminder -The American Legion California Boys State Alumni Association: Many Posts have expressed an interest in paying the membership fee for The American Legion California Boys State Alumni Association.The fee is $25.00 (one time). The deadline for Posts to notify us and get checks in is April 30, 2020. Please make checks payable to: The American Legion California Boys State Foundation and mail to: Mr. Bill Denson, 963 San Francisco Way, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Membership Cards and Alumni Pins will start going out after the Shelter-in-Place directives are lifted.
- Certificates of Selection and 2020 Boys State Pins: The Senior Staff will close and certify the Delegate List (those who will receive Certificates of Selection and 2020 Boys State Pins) on or about April 20. We will then begin the process of getting the Certificates printed and ready for distribution to the District Chairs who will, in turn, get them to you for delivery to your Delegates. We will let you and the Delegates know when they are on the way.