Brothers After War is a follow-up to the 2013 movie Brothers At War. This new movie follows up with the Service Members (now veterans) from the original filming in Iraq and stateside.

Director Jake Rademacher reconnects with his brothers, elite Soldiers, and Marines he embedded with during the Iraq War. Intercutting footage past and present, he leads us on an insightful, humorous, and moving journey as we watch warfighters explore loss, meaning, and hope on their path from warfighter to veteran.

The Chair of The American Legion Be The One, Waco Hoover, has been working with Jake for over half a year to get the word out to all veterans.

Here is what veterans are saying about the film:

“An emotional roller coaster in the best possible way.”

“I love raw, unscripted videos of my brothers. It is who we are.”

“In the media, Veterans are all broken. We are not. Loved the emphasis on families. They serve too.”

Jake’s Brothers At War Resiliency Program has been conducting resiliency workshops to over 20,000 service members returning from deployment since his first movie, Brothers At War, was released in 2013.  This program evolved from the real world experience of screening the documentary for numerous groups of returning American Service Members and their families and prevented suicides.  Jake is now moving his focus from active-duty personnel to veterans.

Brothers After War will be showing at the following theaters starting February 28:

Regal Fresno Riverpark, 7750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA
Regal LA Live, 1000 West Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
Regal Sherman Oaks Galleria, 15301 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA
Regal Delta Shores, 8136 Delta Shores Cir, Sacramento, CA
Regal Rancho Del Rey, 1025 Tierra Del Rey, Chula Vista, CA
Regal Parkway Plaza, 405 Parkway Plaza, El Cajon, CA
Regal Oceanside, 401 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA
Regal Hacienda Crossings, 4999 Dublin Blvd, Dublin, CA
and more!
caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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