California – American Legion National Conventions



The American Legion’s largest annual meeting is the national convention. Over 100 national conventions have been held at different cities across the nation. California has hosted six of our national conventions, they were:

Convention #5 October 16-19, 1923 San Francisco, CA
Convention Program – Proceeding of Convention


Convention #20 September 19-22, 1938 Los Angeles, CA
Convention Program – Proceedings of Convention


Convention #28 September 30-October 4, 1946 San Francisco, CA
Convention Program – Proceedings of Convention


Convention #32 October 9-12, 1950 Los Angeles, CA
Convention Program – Proceedings of Convention


Convention #38 September 3-6, 1956 Los Angeles, CA
Convention Program –  Proceedings of Convention


Convention #81 September 3-9, 1999 Anaheim, CA
Convention Program – Proceedings of Convention


Our national convention delegates alone have the authority to approve changes to the Legion’s constitution and bylaws. The group is also responsible for passing programs that determine the course of the Legion, setting membership dues for the upcoming year, and electing a national commander and five national vice commanders to serve until the next convention.

Web Team
Author: Web Team

Rick is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War era. He serves as a Technical Advisor to the Media and Communications Commission. He is a member of the Department Web Team. Rick received the Otto Hasse Legionnaire of the Year Award in 2016, Department of California Award for work on the department website in 2019, and in 2023 Rick received The American Legion Medal of Merit from the Department of California.