In times when we can’t be together in person, we can still be together in support of our community. Restrictions on public gathering have made traditional blood drives difficult to conduct. Therefore we are collaborating with Vitalant to conduct a department virtual blood drive during January. Our Virtual Blood Drives is a unique way for our Legion Family to donate blood at a time and place that is convenient and safe.

To join our virtual blood drive, follow this simple two step process:

Step One Register:

Click Here: Virtual Blood Drive Registration to visit the registration page.

On the Registration Page, scroll down to the Registration Form and complete the Registration form.

Step Two Make Appointment:

Your next step in the process is to schedule an appointment. The step 1 link will direct you to the scheduling site for your area once you’ve completed the registration form. If you exit out of the scheduling site, click here to: Find Location Near You

Once you find the location that fits your needs, select from the available dates and times for your appointment. Use the email address you in the Step One registration so your donation can be tracked.

Step 3: Donate!

Go to your appointment and donate blood! 

Because of you, life doesn’t stop.
Donate blood.

Surgeon General

Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams: “One thing we should all consider, especially our millennials and, is donating blood…donated blood is an essential part of caring for patients and one donation can save up to three lives. Blood centers are open now and in need of your donation…Social distancing does not have to mean social disengagement. So give blood, today. You’ll feel good about it and you’ll be helping your country and your community during this crisis, and you might even save a life.”

California Governor Gavin Newsom, September 4, 2020

“Blood donation is critically important to ensure our hospitals have the supplies they need to give life-saving care to patients. I encourage every eligible Californian to support their community by being a blood donor.”

    • Prepare for your donation by eating a healthy meal and drinking plenty of water.
    • Provide the same email address at the time of donation.
      Give blood transform lives.

The American Legion Blood Program has been an important National Security Program for many years. Department of California is devoted to ensuring the California has adequate blood supplies available. Please join our collaborative virtual blood drive with Vitalant and participate in our Department of California Virtual Blood Drive! 

California Blood Donation Reporting Form

If you prefer not to donate blood at a Vitalant facility you can report your blood donation, to any facility using our Department of California Blood Donation form.
Blood Donation Reporting Form

Blood Donation Eligibility

Call Vitalant if you are unable to make an online appointment. Please call 877-258-4825

Web Team
Author: Web Team

Rick is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War era. He serves as a Technical Advisor to the Media and Communications Commission. He is a member of the Department Web Team. Rick received the Otto Hasse Legionnaire of the Year Award in 2016, Department of California Award for work on the department website in 2019, and in 2023 Rick received The American Legion Medal of Merit from the Department of California.