Richard Ramirez, Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms
Richard (Kiki) Ramirez is a United States Navy Veteran served during the Viet Nam era, proudly served on two Destroyers the U.S.S. Buck DD-761 and the U.S.S Decatur DDG-31. I served as a Hull Technician. My responsibilities included maintain all firefighting equipment and I was the scene leader on two shipboard fires.
Worked 30 years for GTE/Verizon holding several positions including Outside plant installer/repairman & cable splicer. I Retired in 2008.
Legion Resume:
District 19, Commander 2017 – 2018.
District 19, 1st Vice Commander 2016 – 2017.
District 19, 2nd Vice Commander 2015 – 2016.
Currently serving as District 19 Adjutant.
4th Area:
Finance Officer 2022 to Present
Rivera Post 411 2009 – present.
Post 411, 1st Vice Commander & Sergeant-at-arms 2010 – 2019
Post 411, Adjutant 2019 – present
American Legion Riders:
American Legion Riders: President A.L.R. chapter 75
American Legion Riders: founding President A.L.R. chapter 804
Area 4 Commissioner for the American Legion Riders.
I have a Son Richard Ramirez Jr. A daughter Christine Ramirez a member of Auxiliary Unit 411, Grand Children Richard Ramirez III, Armando Santoyo, Kiara Santoyo (U.S. Army National Guard Veteran). Grandson Nathan Ferriola. I also have a Great Grandson Richard Ramirez IV.
I would appreciate your support. If elected I will be there for the Department commander any time he needs me. I am available to travel any time he requests.
For additional candidate information, visit Officer Candidates.