Jere Romano, Candidate for National Executive Committeeman
Comrades, I will not bore you with tiresome stories of personal history but rather engage you with historical actions or as I like to say, “Leadership in Action”.
As Department Commander I designed my logo for my year to be the “passionate” or as some would say “angry” California Grizzly; for that’s me – I’ m passionate about our organization. That passion directly correlates to action. No matter what position I held, or role assigned I attempted to influence positive change.
Post Commander Ronald Reagan Palisades
- Created a Grant Program to assist Posts throughout the Department of California with deferred maintenance issues.
- Restructured Palisades Grant giving to be in line with Foundation best practices and procedures.
- Coordinated Disaster Supply Collection and then personally delivered 13,000 lbs of supplies to Houston from Santa Monica in response to Hurricane Harvey.
Area 6 Membership Chair/District 24 1st Vice Commander (2018-19 and 2019-2020)
- District 24 won the Race to the Top in membership for our class two years in a row.
- Coordinated Membership Drive at LA Fleetweek in partnership with District 19.
Los Angeles County Council (LACC) Commander
- County Advocacy – was on television, radio and worked directly with County of Board of Supervisors in the fight to re-open our Legion Posts during pandemic restrictions.
- Championed Women Veteran Issues by creating LACC Women Veteran Commission.
- Created a new Ways and Means Fundraising Event – Tamale Festival which raised money for Posts, Units, and Squadrons suffering from pandemic closures. National Legion coverage. It is now an annual event.
- Coordinated Southern California emergency disaster supplies, collection, and delivery to the fire ravaged North. Personally, delivered the supplies to Quincy, Ca.
Department of California Commander
- Routinely fought for Legion Posts at City, County and State Meetings to protect our rights, privileges, and benefits.
- Travelled extensively to Posts, large and small throughout the State to demonstrate how important every blue cap Legionnaire, Auxiliary and Sons member was to me and our organization. Moreover, I utilized these visits to address the toxicity which is destroying our organization like cancer.
- Held our first (in recent memory) joint Department Executive Committee meeting with The Department of California Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion Detachment of California in Anaheim, Ca.
- Demonstrated sincere loyal support to our Legion Family – Auxiliary, Sons and Riders.
My final example of Leadership in action, I recently transferred from Ronald Reagan-Palisades 283 not because I was unhappy or unappreciative for all the opportunities, they provided me but to help a struggling post within our District. Myself and another eight legionnaires from across the district came together, first to strengthen the Post Executive Committee and now we are creating meaningful programs within the Post and Community which has assisted Community Post 46 to obtain 115% in membership.
I have nothing but respect for my fellow candidate, nor do I feel I am better than him. We clearly have two different styles, and the crux of this election is to simply provide you, the blue cap legionnaire, the opportunity to choose. Your vote, your choice. ~Semper Fidelis
For additional candidate information, visit Officer Candidates.