by caLegion Contributor | May 17, 2022
Nonprofit organization Veteran Forces is hosting a Major League Baseball giveaway for one lucky active duty or reserve servicemember or veteran. Sponsored by The American Legion’s Ronald Reagan-Pacific Palisades Post 283, the Major League Baseball Giveaway is...
by Judy Leonardi | May 13, 2022
The American Legion, Department of California Baseball program has been partnering posts and local high school teams to play competitive baseball across the state for over the past 90 years. This partnership supports the values of the American Legion and promotes...
by Nestor Aliga | May 11, 2022
Three Major League Baseball players hail from Vallejo — CC Sabathia, Bill Buckner, and Tug McGraw. They are three of the thousand that played American Legion baseball for the Mare Island Navy Yard Post 550 in Vallejo until 1996 when this local favorite stopped....
by Jim Higuera | May 6, 2022
With our Department Convention just a few months away, now is a good time to consider entering your Post, District, Auxiliary Unit, Sons Squadron, and Rider Chapters in this year’s Department Convention Color Guard Contest. Submit the Color Guard Contest form, which...
by Judy Leonardi | May 6, 2022
In July 2021, the California American Legion state championship baseball tournament was held for the first time in over four decades, in Clovis California. Over $50,000 was raised in sponsorships, donations, and fundraising across the Department in support of...
by Judy Leonardi | Apr 28, 2022
For over four decades, the California American Legion Baseball championship had been held at a small diamond in a very scenic location in northern California. With the drive to grow the program and raise awareness of the benefits and value of youth sports in The...