Children and Youth Commission

National Family Week celebrated the week of Thanksgiving
In 1972 President Richard Nixon made the first proclamation National Family Week during the week of Thanksgiving. Every president since then, has declared the week of Thanksgiving as National Family Week. The American Legion’s commitment to the Children and Youth pillar of service has used National Family Week to promote, encourage and celebrate the importance of healthy families.
The American Legion’s National Family Week brochure for further assistance. While the current pandemic hinders organizing or participating in activities that promote family strength as mentioned in the brochure, post members can get creative in their efforts by reaching out. For example, posts can communicate with local military families about the needs they may have if a loved one is deployed.
The American Legion has a proud tradition of supporting our nation’s youth. About the Program. Subscribe to E-newsletter.

Department Bylaws
CHILDREN AND YOUTH: To carry on the Child Welfare Program of The American Legion and to promote the program of the education of war orphans.