The American Legion Department of California is looking for candidates for its Training Committee, as indicated in article XI section 12 of our bylaws:
“The Department Commander at the organizational meeting of the Department Executive Committee immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Department Convention shall appoint a seven (7) member Committee which shall have the duty of promoting, developing, and delivering effective training opportunities for all levels of the Department in order to best engage our members with the purpose and programs of The American Legion and increase the overall functionality of the organization.”
Department Commander Autrey James is seeking letters of interest from individuals with an interest in the training committee.
- The applicant must have experience in training or education within the Legion or outside the Legion
- The applicant must have completed American Legion Basic Training
- National or California Legion College graduates are encouraged to apply but is NOT a requirement
- The applicant should have experience in operating online meeting platforms
- The applicant should have experience with Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint
Open to all members of the Legion Family, however only members of the American Legion can be appointed as Committee members. American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion can serve as part of the training cadre including as facilitators in the California American Legion College and technical advisors to the Committee
Send Basic Training completion certificate, resume or letter of interest to commander@caLegion.org by Friday July 16 at 5 p.m.