The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has created many challenges for our country, local communities, the Department of California and our local American Legion posts. As our understanding of the COVID-19 virus evolves across the globe, we will do our best to keep this page up to date with information to help you deal with this global pandemic.
Department of California Office Operations
Headquarters – Sanger
Headquarters operations will continue as scheduled with the exception that visitors are discouraged to physically visit the building. Deliveries can be made, but with few exceptions, all business with department headquarters should be conducted by phone, mail, and email.
Regional Veteran Service Offices – Oakland; Los Angeles; San Diego; VA Hospital Offices
Staff will be following the protocol outlined by the building they operate in. Service Officer office locations are closed.
Contact with our Department Service Officers (DSO) can be made by email to:
Thank you for your patience to the length of this communication. Please consider the information provided and make effective and productive decision at your level to diminish the impact of the Coronavirus on our organization, our veterans, and our community/state/nation.
Public Health Information
- The American Legion – Coronavirus Updates
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Information
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California
- California COVID-19 Updates
- California Department of Public Health: News Releases
- Office of the Govenor: Newsroom
Financial Stimulus Information
- Note: The Financial Stimulus Information contained on this page is for businesses, like an American Legion post, to help them endure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.The Small Business Administration is here to help you overcome the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and offer multiple funding options for those seeking relief. Read more about these options below.
- SBA: Coronavirus Relief Options
Paycheck Protection Program
This program provides loan forgiveness for retaining employees by temporarily expanding the traditional SBA 7(a) loan program.
- SBA Paycheck Protection Program
- SBA Loan Programs: What Nonprofits Need To Know
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance
This loan advance will provide up to $10,000 of economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing temporary difficulties.-
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance
SBA Express Bridge Loans
Enables small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.-
- SBA Express Bridge Loans
SBA Debt Relief
The SBA is providing a financial reprieve to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.-
- SBA Debt Relief
Chamber of Commerce: COVID-19 Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide
- Chamber of Commerce: COVID-19 Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide
New Resources
- SBA Loan Programs: What Nonprofits Need To Know
The American Legion COVID-19 Resource Guide has been adapted from resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The American Legion National staff. It is important to note that this pandemic and the national response is ever changing, and you should always rely on the CDC for the most up-to-date information. To get the most up-to-date information go to their special web site at –

Buddy Check: Now More Than Ever
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that is affecting us all, the Buddy Check program is perhaps more important now than ever before. The idea is to connect with veterans who may need assistance but don’t know where to go or who to ask.
Electronic Meetings – PDF
Coronavirus (COVID-19) — California Public Health Updates
AgencyInformationCalifornia State GovernmentCalifornia Coronavirus (COVID–19) ResponseCalifornia Dept. of Public HealthCOVID–19 UpdatesCalifornia Dept. of Public HealthNews ReleasesOffice of the GovernorNewsroomSanta Clara County Public HealthNovel Coronavirus (COVID–19) UpdatesAlameda County Public Health DepartmentCoronavirus Disease (COVID–19) Latest UpdatesCounty of Los Angeles Public Health#REF!Learn More About Coronavirus
Should you need to contact the Department of California, regarding a Legion issue that needs attention now and cannot wait:
Information on meeting or program changes are being posted on the:
Calendar Pages
Please send any information about district, area or department meeting or program changes to
Please carefully consider the information provided on this page to make prudent and healthy decisions at your level to diminish the impact of the Coronavirus on our Legion Family, our veterans, and our community/state/nation.
- 03-31-2020 National Commander’s Coronavirus Update
- Veterans Health Administration – Office of Emergency Management COVID-19 Response Plan
- The American Legion – Coronavirus Updates
- Veterans have multiple resources available for the latest COVID-19, or coronavirus, information.
- Coronavirus: Resources, Updates, and What You Should Know. – Treasury Department
- 03-19-2020 – California United Ways COVID-19 Relief Fund
- 03-19-2020 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California
- 03-19-2020 – Coronavirus: What Veterans Need to Know
- 03-16-2020 – National – Coronavirus Update: 3-16-2020
- National Commander Urgent Message about Coronavirus
- CA Governor Newsom Asking Home Isolation of those over 65 years old and asking all bars to suspend operations and restaurants to socially distance patrons
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Information
- Questions and Answers about Coronavirus
Department Coronavirus Information – PDF
American Legion Leaders:
Due to recent concerns regarding the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our organization, I am sending you this communication on behalf of Department Commander, Ed Grimsley, and the department leadership. At the bottom of this email are links to the most recent communications from the CDC, CA Governor, American Legion, and American Legion National Commander. Please go to the links to best inform yourself.
The information in this email regarding the Coronavirus outbreak is broken down into the following categories:
Post Operations
- Lounge Operations
- Buddy Checks
District/Area Operations
- Meetings/Gatherings
Department of California
Program Operations
- Boys State
- American Legion Baseball
- Department American Legion College – Postponed – the new date will be posted when selected
- Department Convention
Office Operations
- Headquarters – Sanger
- Regional Veteran Service Offices – Oakland; Los Angeles; San Diego
Please review the information provided and make appropriate decisions.
Post Operations
According to our Constitution and Bylaws, post operational decisions are made by the post.
Decisions regarding timing and manner in which meetings are held are directly the responsibility of post leadership. If you choose to reschedule or cancel a member meeting due to Coronavirus concerns, the department is not concerned and will not pursue such rescheduling and cancellations as an issue to pursue in regards to the requirement of each post to hold a minimum of ten meetings a year. Please go to the links provided below and make conscientious decisions regarding holding activities/gatherings/meetings. Many of your active members are over sixty-five and therefor a member of the demographic being asked to conduct home isolation. If meetings are conducted, please exercise reasonable consideration in planning the event in order to follow the best practices outlined in links below.
Lounge Operations
The Governor is asking for bars/lounges to close. Please review the impact of continuing this aspect of your post operation and make reasonable decisions which accommodate the impact of your decisions on your post, patrons, and your community at large.
Buddy Checks
Now more than ever, calling your members by phone to check on them is a great practice to implement and use.
District/Area Operations
Same concerns regarding post meetings apply to district and area events. Please contact your district leadership or area leadership to determine status of meetings and possible cancellations and rescheduling. We are asking district and area leaders to submit amended schedules as they occur at in order for these changes to be noted on the department website
Department of California Program Operations
Boy’s State
No decision regarding whether to cancel Boy’s State (held in late June) will be made until late April – Mid-May. If a decision gets made to cancel Boy’s State, an email will be sent to all selectees, their families, and to all posts.
The District Boy’s State Orientations
are cancelled until further notice.
Currently, information is being developed to replace the need for district Boy’s State parent/attendee orientation meetings. This information will be available on our website and attendee families will be provided the link in order for them to get the information previously provided in the physical briefing.
American Legion Baseball
No decision regarding whether to cancel the American Legion Baseball tournament will be made until May. If a decision gets made to cancel the tournament, an email will be sent to all posts.
Department American Legion College – Postponed, the new date will be posted when selected.
California American Legion College is scheduled to occur March 27-29 in Fairfield. While the number of attendees falls under the number of attendees recommended to cancel events, leadership will be assessing impact and making a decision regarding conducting the event now or rescheduling later in the calendar year. Attendees and facilitators will be notified by Friday.
Department Convention
No decision regarding Department Convention (held in late June) will be made until late April – Mid-May. Please continue to pay deposits and fees as scheduled until new information becomes available regarding the event.
Department of California Office Operations
Headquarters – Sanger
Until further notice, headquarters operations will continue as scheduled with the exception that visitors are discouraged to physically visit the building. Deliveries can be made, but with few exceptions, all business with department headquarters should be conducted by phone, mail, and email.
Regional Veteran Service Offices – Oakland; Los Angeles; San Diego; VA Hospital Offices
Staff will be following the protocol outlined by the building they operate out of. If Service Officer office locations are closed, the closure will be communicated on our website and in the weekly leadership email. If a closure occurs, staff will continue to get paid, and are directed to isolate themselves in order to remain healthy and be able to return to work as soon as their offices re-open.
Thank you for your patience to the length of this communication. Please consider the information provided and make effective and productive decision at your level to diminish the impact of the Coronavirus on our organization, our veterans, and our community/state/nation.
- National Commander Urgent Message about Coronavirus
- CA Governor Newsom Asking Home Isolation of those over 65 years old and asking all bars to suspend operations and restaurants to socially distance patrons
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Information
- Questions and Answers about Coronavirus
Keeping California Unique & UNITED
Paul M. Brown
Department Adjutant
What You Need To Know About Handwashing
This video answers important questions about hand washing and hand sanitizer.