California Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Pathway to Citizenship Workshop

CalVet Minority and Underrepresented Veterans Affairs will host an in-person workshop to support veterans seeking citizenship and/or naturalization services. This event will be in partnership with the Training Occupational Development Educating Communities (TODEC) Legal Center and the VetFund Foundation. Veterans can also receive information about additional earned benefits.

– One-on-one or small-group interviews with veterans who want to become U.S. citizens. (Note: Veterans must consent individually to interviews, appearing in photos or videos, or to allowing their names to be published.)
– Deputy Secretary Xóchitl Rodriguez Murillo, CalVet Minority and Underrepresented Veterans Affairs.
– Event sponsors in attendance.
– Interviews available in Spanish.

B-roll of presentations.

Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may be eligible for expedited citizenship due to their military service. Since its inception in 2018, the CalVet Pathway to Citizenship program has conducted 16 workshops and helped more than 650 veterans and their family members navigate the naturalization process toward citizenship.

The event is finished.

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