Foreign Relations and National Security Commission

2023-2024-Commissions & Committees.pdf

Support for U.S. Troops and Their Mission

The American Legion’s positions on national defense, homeland security and quality of life for U.S. servicemembers and their families are overseen by the National Security Commission. National staff members work closely with all branches of the armed forces and the Department of Defense to identify problems and help produce solutions. The Legion’s Reconnect program includes visits by veterans to military installations and other events that bring together those who have served with those who are still serving, and strengthens the Legion’s understanding of issues that affect our men and women in uniform.

The commission advocates for a strong and well-funded military, a secure border, improved quality of life for military families, improvements in the military voting system, and many other issues that promote peace through strength. In May, the National Executive Committee passed Resolution No. 1, which calls for Congress and the administration to “cease all eff orts to reduce the defense budget from its current level.” Legion leadership and staff have testified before Congress and elsewhere on the need to protect the defense budget. National Security also provides staff support for the Legion’s Heroes to Hometowns program, which connects Legionnaires with U.S. servicemembers who return home injured, ill or wounded.

The Foreign Relations Commission is responsible for the organization’s positions on international issues, such as a full accounting of POWs and MIAs, human rights, State Department diplomacy, and care for veterans and their families living abroad.

Department Bylaws

FOREIGN RELATIONS AND NATIONAL SECURITY: To promote the program of The American Legion in regard to foreign relations and national defense in all its phases.