Reyn Spooner shirts

Buy your 50% discounted Reyn Spooner Hawaiian shirts for The American Legion national convention in Phoenix, Arizona.

The shirts are back!  We have Reyn Spooner shirts available at a discount!

At the National Convention, the Sons of The American Legion are wearing the RED shirt on Friday and the BLUE shirt on Saturday.  These shirts are the Michael Fox for National Commander official convention shirts.

If you are planning on attending the National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona and celebrating the election of Michael Fox as National Commander of the Sons of The American Legion, these shirts are a MUST.  We would love the Legion Family participation with us and throughout the year as we rep California proudly.  Normally, Reyn Spooner shirts sell for $120 each and we now have a corporate account set up to sell us the shirts at $60 each with your name embroidered over the right breast and a CA logo saying “California” on top of a state logo with a bear swinging a bat and “Legion Family” on the bottom of the logo.

This shirt is a GAME CHANGER for California.  Several of us have been representing shirts similar to this and you can clearly see the quality and awesomeness! Help California show up STRONG as a united family for the election of Michael Fox in Phoenix, Arizona.

P.S.:  YES, the entire Reyn Spooner catalog is available to us at a severe discount!  Call me for special orders: (949) 795-3680


Please send CASH, CHECK, or MONEY ORDER to the address and contact on the order form (.doc), making a check out to Matt Parsons, or VENMO @Matt-Parsons-720, or PayPal to my email.  Please include this order form with your order.  Please call me or email me with any questions.  To guarantee your shirt by National Convention you will need to order by Thursday 5/20/21.

For God and Country in Support of The American Legion Family.

Matt Parsons
Author: Matt Parsons