On Wednesday, elected officials, representatives from local veteran service organizations, and California veterans held a groundbreaking ceremony for a proposed veterans cemetery that’s now slated to be built in the Gypsum Canyon area of Anaheim Hills.
As reported by The Orange County Register, several dozen veterans and officials spread a 30-by-60-foot American flag over the hill to commemorate a long anticipated step in the process.
Earlier that day, State Senator Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana) amended a bill allowing the California Department of Veterans Affairs to consider Gypsum Canyon as the final location for the cemetery. However, the bill will not be discussed by the State Senate until January and it remains possible for CalVet or other parties to object to the location.
In a Dec. 8 press release, the Senator says, “after discussions with CalVet, it has become clear that any new potential site will need a thorough state examination and analysis. I’m thrilled the County has made a financial commitment towards this process and our veterans and I’m happy to use SB 43 for this feasibility study.”
According to the Voice of Orange County, Irvine Councilman Larry Agran, who has previously opposed building the cemetery at the Gypsum Canyon site, held a press conference proposing the construction of a veterans memorial at Great Park if the location is no longer being considered for the cemetery. Agran later noted that the memorial could eventually incorporate a veterans cemetery if the Gypsum Canyon location falls through. It’s unclear if the memorial has state or city support yet.
Great Park was one of the three sites originally debated for the veterans cemetery.
Owl rock and sand company owns that land so how is orange county getting this land from the company that owns that land? I was an employee that worked for owl rock company and i worked on that location when our plant was there.
I own stocks in owl rock company and realistates in the company of owl rock so how is orange county getting this property from owl rock company as being the owners of this property? THAT I WANT TO KNOW?
Looks like a good location. And good to see Orange Co, CA doing this.