Our Comrades in the north have suffered tragic losses of their homes and even their American Legion Post home. They and the community have the following needs:

  • Blankets
  • Toiletries especially women’s products
  • Baby/children’s clothing and products.
  • Pet Food
  • $25-$50 Visa cards
  • Tents
  • Air mattresses

The Department of California is currently working to coordinate efforts across the state to collect supplies and get to Quincy, California. We are trying to do a coordinated effort to limit the amount of traffic going into and out of the disaster area.

In Area 1 Area Vice Commander Will Willams and Jr past Area 1 Vice Commander John Aldridge is coordinating the efforts Please contact Will at  916-719-2733 or area1@calegion.org to determine where to bring donations.

In the south, LACC Commander Jere Romano is coordinating. Please contact Jere at jere.romano@gmail.com to coordinate where to bring donations.

If there is a post or Chapter in the Central Valley that would like to take on the task of coordinating efforts please contact me directly at commander@calegion.org.

At the start of the year I shared the motto “One Team, One Fight” and this is the time for our team to come together and fight for our Comrades, their families and their community.


HOW TO DONATE: If you would like more information on how to donate to support the survivors of the Dixie Fire, visit https://calegion.org/fire-relief-fund/

Autrey James
Author: Autrey James

Autrey James is 2021-22 Department of California commander.