Discover how your Legion membership can give you peace of mind and save you money.

exclusive benefits & discounts for Legionnaires

Emergency Assistance Plus

Do you have a backup plan if you suffer a medical emergency while traveling out of town? LIT Endorsed Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) is there for you with more than 20 emergency and medical services to give you peace of mind no matter where you are in the world.

You’ll never face an emergency alone with services such as:

  • Medical evaluation
  • Medical assistance
  • Assistance for companions
  • Travel assistance
  • And more!

Cancer Care Insurance Plan

If you find yourself battling cancer, you may want help to cover the high cost of treatment and recovery. That’s where this coverage comes in. Your American Legion Department Endorsed Cancer Care Insurance Plan helps pay towards the cost of cancer – which may run into the thousands of dollars. Your current health insurance may not be enough to cover all of these costs.

That’s why this coverage offers benefits, up to a lifetime maximum of $300,000* – to Legionnaires who have been diagnosed with cancer. These benefits are paid directly to you or anyone you choose – not to doctors, hospitals, or anyone else.

Benefits from this plan could be used to pay for:

  • Hospital bills
  • Chemotherapy
  • Operations
  • Doctor visits
  • Nursing care
  • Prescription drugs
  • Mortgage
  • Car payment
  • And more!

No Cost LegionCare

Your valued status as a Legionnaire makes you eligible for Legion Care, up to $5,000 in no cost to you benefits.

Your beneficiary will receive a check for $5,000 if you suffer a fatal covered accident while you are traveling to or from or participating in any covered event conducted for Legion business, or $1,000 for all other fatal covered accidents. You pay nothing for this coverage (confirmation is required for activation).

Your Department of The American Legion endorses this coverage to stand by your family with up to $1,000 cash benefits paid straight to your beneficiary, if you suffer a fatal covered accident at home, on the job, in your car, on vacation, while traveling, wherever you are.

Find out about all that the Legionnaire Insurance Trust has to offer at

History of the LIT:

Founded in 1965, the non-profit Legionnaire Insurance Trust is comprised of 50 Departments of The American Legion representing some 1.5 million members. Years of experience and valued partnership with Legionnaires has allowed the LIT to customize products and programs to better serve members’ needs.

Your Dollars Help Fund Our Community:

When you enroll in a LIT program benefit, you’ll be proud to know that your dollars are hard at work funding many great community programs.

Over the years, the LIT has returned $90 million dollars back to Legion Departments. These allocations have helped pay for things like renovations to American Legion Baseball fields and salaries for Service Officers at the VA to assist members with claims.

Money from the LIT has also helped fund Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation. With about 23 million U.S. veterans who are alive today, the LIT is proud to have been able to give support to those who served – and continue to serve – our country.

Due to various federal budget cuts, our veterans aren’t always getting the help they need, especially when it comes to healthcare. Hundreds of thousands of men and women who recently served in tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as older veterans, now rely on the VA health system for health care services.

Your funds to LIT help support the healthcare and rehabilitative needs of veterans like you.

But that’s not all… Since 2007, over $20 million has helped create scholarships like the Legacy Scholarship Fund, outreach programs, the National Emergency Fund and Child Welfare Foundation. These funds also help support the Boy and Girl Scouts, Operation Comfort Warriors, Soldier’s Wish and Camp American Legion.

Funding these programs and activities gives us the opportunity to honor the past and help give purpose to Legion families and future generations. Help continue these programs and inspire others to do the same for years to come.

*The Legionnaire Insurance Trust is a partner of The American Legion Department of California*

caLegion HQ
Author: caLegion HQ

Chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919, The American Legion is the nation’s largest veterans service organization and its Department of California is dedicated to serving the approximately 2 million veterans living in communities across the Golden State.