Log in to caLegion

Welcome to caLegion.org, the official website of the American Legion Department of California.

Register an account and log in to caLegion in order to:

  • Create a profile with a bio to let everyone know who you are
  • Add a photo to your profile which will display on your post comments
  • Add an event to the California Events Calendar
  • Add content to the website, like an article with photos
    • Your byline will automatically display on your article when you upload and your profile will be linked to it
    • You can still add articles to the website if you’re not logged in but your byline won’t be linked to your profile 


NOTE: This isn’t MyLegion.org. You will not have access to MyLegion.org by creating an account on caLegion.org. Visit MyLegion.org if you’re looking to access your personal membership information or to access your officer dashboard to manage your post or district responsibilities. You’ll need to first register on MyLegion.org if you haven’t done so under the new online system.