California Media & Communications Awards

The Department of California Media & Communications Commission is devoted to telling the story of veterans and of The American Legion. The Media Awards are held annually during the Department Convention and work to recognize the efforts of individuals and organizations that effectively communicate using media. Eligible nominees are legionnaires, posts, districts, and areas that communicate their stories through newspaper, TV, and radio coverage. Post or district newsletters and social media campaigns can be entered to win. Entries can also include press releases or examples of news coverage of Legion events or programs. Likewise, legionnaires can nominate members of the press and media organizations themselves for highlighting veterans’ issues or covering Legion happenings.

To make a nomination, please fill out the Media Communications Award (PDF) entry form and email to your area commissioner by May 1. Be sure to also copy

For newspaper clippings and other physical materials, please mail to the Sanger HQ offices, postmarked by May 1.

ATTN: Media & Communications Chair
TAL Department of California Headquarters
1601 7th. St.
Sanger, CA 93657