Christmas message from Department of California Commander Ed Grimsley


Christmas is a Special Time of the Year!

First and foremost, for many in our Legion Family, it is a time for honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. Many do this in church on Christmas Day, many more do this each day silently in our prayers, in our hearts and in our service to others. It is also a time to look at what we have done and share our hopes for a better future.

As the New Year fast approaches it is also a time to look back at all the good work our Legion Family has done. As I have traveled to events across California this year, I have noticed Legionnaires in their uniform Legion caps doing the good work of The American Legion to help those in need, it is a powerful message. As we serve our veterans and their families in need, we also tell our local communities The American Legion is alive and well because we are seen in Legion uniform caps. Thank you.

Looking to the future, in our vision of success for the Department of California there is hope that all our Legion Family will contribute to our success. Each day we our blessed with 24 hours to do God’s work and the good work of The American Legion. Using two very important words from the preamble to The American Legion Constitution, “Mutual Helpfulness” we will work together and reach new levels of success as we:

    • INSPIRE others with kind words and deeds
    • MOTIVATE our Legion Family with the use of good strong words that encourage and show our appreciation of others, and
    • LEAD our posts to new levels of success by helping post leaders cultivate the skills of leadership they need to succeed

This is my motto: INSPIRE – MOTIVATE – LEAD.

We are a Legion of veterans, men and women, who have given honorable service to the country we love. We are now blessed with opportunities to serve our fellow veterans and their families through the good work of The American Legion.
I am both honored and blessed to serve as your Commander of the Department of California. From my family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.

calegion logo

For God and Country.

Ed Grimsley
Department of California


caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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