Department Forms

Post Administrative Compliance Calendar

Compliance with the mandatory reporting deadlines for the Department of California and government agencies shows good post and district leadership. Submitting your mandatory report forms on time and with accurate data, helps the Department of California staff do their jobs better and improves our Department operations.

Posts failing to submit forms on time will be placed on probation until the submission has been verified by the Department Adjutant.

Attention: To avoid the potential loss of your report data, type and save your data information in a text editor like Microsoft Word or Notepad. Then type your information into the appropriate form and submit the completed form.



Post Report Forms


District Report Forms


Area Report Forms


The Department of California conducts an annual convention in June, a Spring and Fall Department Executive Committee (DEC) meeting each year. At these department meetings, leaders are expected to participate by giving reports about their leadership activities and successes.

The department has produced online forms to help department leaders submit their reports.


Department Leader Report Forms


Program Forms and Award Applications

The American Legion, Department of California offers many outstanding programs through our local posts. Our programs are a big part of how we serve our veterans, their families and our communities. Posts are also kept vibrant and alive with activity because of our programs. Many of our programs have year-end report forms and award applications. When received, they are posted on this page.

As we receive additional new forms or updates of current forms they will be posted. Please include the date when the form is due and to who it should be returned to for processing.
You can send the forms you would like posted or any questions you may have to our Web Team at:

Report Name, Due Date, Submit To:

Community Service Commission

Law & Order Commission
The Law and Order Handbook contains the nomination forms for the “Law Enforcement of the Year” and the “Firefighter of the Year.”

Department Chaplain

Media & Communications Commission

Ritual Commission

  • Posting and Retiring of Colors, Entry Form, June 18, James Higuera
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