Editor’s note: This article is the sole opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect any position the American Legion Department of California takes on any issue contained within. Opinions or responses to opinions can be submitted here or emailed to editor@caLegion.org for consideration. 

This opinion was written in response to a VA blog post outlining the Veteran Administration’s 2020 accomplishments.  

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

VA Secretary Robert L. Wilkie was a total failure at overseeing the Los Angeles VA, which is deeded for the sole purpose and benefit of disabled U.S. Military Veterans. 
Instead, it is the biggest and most corrupt VA in the nation as Wilkie gave away Veterans’ Building 207 — RENT FREE — for 75 years to a wealthy, local private developer and then gave a RENT FREE easement on a multitude of VA acreage to LA METRO to build a public station / parking garage for a public subway.

Wilkie never charged rent to any of these robber barons as he gave away some of the most valuable land in the USA while disabled Veterans are denied their disability benefits and live on the sidewalk outside the VA. 

Greater LA is still the capital for homeless Veterans even though the VA promised to end it six years ago as stipulated in the fabricated and phony “settlement agreement.”  
The ACLU has failed our Veterans by not enforcing the settlement agreement and Judgment. 
Wilkie did nothing to help our disabled, disadvantaged and needy homeless Veterans — he only helped the wealthy elite with a takeover of Veterans VA land, which was aided and abetted by top echelon bureaucrats at the Los Angeles VA. 
If Trump had the slightest clue what this despicable traitor did he would’ve fired him in a nano-second. Unfortunately, those whom Trump trusted shielded him from the truth about the land-fraud and rampant corruption at the Los Angeles VA.
Robert Rosebrock
Author: Robert Rosebrock

Robert Rosebrock is founder of the Old Veterans Guard group.