Oratorical Contest
A page to help the volunteers conducting the oratorical contest understand what is expected.
“The chairman should give a thorough briefing, providing adequate time to answer any questions contestants might have and to make them comfortable in what may be a stressful environment.”
At every level of the Oratorical Speech competition, contestants must be treated with dignity and respect. Volunteers, judges, and all members of the audience should ensure contestants can give their full attention to the delivery of their speech.
The Oratorical Contests are a wonderful opportunity for high school to compete in a speech on the American constitution. It is also a great opportunity for our Legion Family to volunteer as part of the team needed to conduct a quality competition. Volunteers are needed at the post, district, area, and department levels of the competition to serve as:
- Judges
- Monitors
- Tabulators, and
- Escorts and Users
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Oratorical Competition, please submit this form: Oratorical Volunteer Form
Oratorical Volunteer Responsibilities
Judging, Scoring & Tabulation
General Resources