caLegion Contributor

District 3 Commander Awards Posts for Achieving Membership Goals
During the last district meeting, District 3 Commander Josh Bowers handed out awards to posts who achieved over 100% membership.

District 14 Fundraiser
American Legion District 14 and Tahoe Joe's Famous Steakhouse are teaming up for a fundraiser!

Department of California Oratorical Contest Results
On February 25, 2024, the 86th National Oratorical Contest was held on the Department level at Ronald Reagan Palisades Post 283, Pacific Palisades, CA.

Research Participation Opportunity – Examining Challenges for those with Gambling Problems in the US Military
The BA Lab is currently conducting a qualitative study to gain a deeper understanding into the barriers and facilitators of military personnel accessing treatment for...

Have You Been Left Out? It’s Time for a Fix: the Story of a National Guardsman / Reservist Denied the Right to Be Buried With His Family
Pete Fosselman, a Veteran of the National Guard, writes about being denied burial rights at Military Cemeteries where much of his family resides.

‘Be the One’ Weekend
This past weekend, American Legion District 22 held the first "American Legion 'Be the One' Weekend" event in San Diego. It has received national attention,...

Greetings from the Oratorical Commission
The Oratorical Commission meets virtually in planning the Department Oratorical Speech Contest. Currently, we would like to share with you some insight into having a...

Op-Ed: Disabled Veterans, Veterans on Medicare, and Active-Duty Military Families MUST be Protected from a 1332 Waiver Proposal Outlined in SB 770
SB 770 was recently signed into law by Governor Newsom (September 2023) and now a proposal, which seeks to eliminate Medicare in California and establish...

Anyone Can Be The One
The Veterans Mental Health Committee has provided this downloadable card to be used for suicide prevention.

Op-Ed: What’s Wrong With American Legion Membership?
California American Legion District 14 Commander Chris Hoffman offers his take on how to improve American Legion recruiting.