caLegion Contributor

Don R. Marsh – French Legion of Honor
Early in 2018, the Los Angeles Counsel General of France contacted Tustin Post 227 member Donald Marsh. He was asked to complete and submit dates...

The Yanks are Coming Over There: Anglo-Saxonism and American Involvement in the First World War
World War I was a global cataclysm that toppled centuries-old dynasties and launched “the American century.” Yet at the outset few Americans saw any reason...

4 things to know if you’re a disabled veteran with student loan debt
By Mike Saunders Until recently, if you were 100-percent disabled or had a finding by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of Individual Unemployability (IU)...

Remembering First World War POWs in a noble mission
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is September 21. The observance is one of six days mandated by Congress for the flying of the National League of...

The Final Battle – An Untold Story of WWII’s Forty-Second Rainbow Division
There is a brand new book out which tells the untold story of the Forty-Second Rainbow Division, who fought the SS, Volksstrum and Hitler Youth...

The most patriotic city in California
In the San Joaquin Valley of the State of California sits an average size city of Manteca. This city’s support for their Veterans is second...