caLegion Contributor

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  • caLegion Contributor


Purple Heart day

Purple Heart Day on August 7 is the kind of day for Americans to remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented their...


During times of natural disaster and periods of high crime, our neighbors often to look to their veteran neighbors for guidance – after all, we...

Opinion: Don’t Limit Veterans’ Ability to File Disability Claims

Like a lot of things in Washington, impressive budget numbers fail to tell the whole story. Throwing money at a problem doesn't automatically mean better...

California Sons Gift Wholesome Books to Young Fans in the Stands

Sons of The American Legion Detachment of California Commander Jeff Flynt and Escondido Sons Squadron 149 Commander Keith Bell present children's books to young fans...

Legionnaire testifies before House committee about veteran hunger

Veterans are more at risk to face food insecurity than their non-veteran counterparts. For Anthony “Tony” Stewart, the issue is an important one, and the...

There are differences when conducting business meetings versus committee meetings

There are significant differences between what the presiding officer may do in a business meeting (monthly Post meeting) and a committee meeting.

PHOTOS: 3rd California Legacy Run a Success

Over the weekend of June 10-12, the American Legion Riders from the Department of California held their third California Legacy Run. Unlike the previous two...

Reserve your virtual seat for Training Tuesdays

The last Tuesday of each month, American Legion National Headquarters staff will present 60 to 90-minute sessions on topics aimed at post commanders and adjutants.

The American Legion Advisory: Email Scams

Whether you are American Legion staff or a volunteer of The American Legion, be aware that threat actors are always looking for ways to compromise...

The sights and sounds of California Boys State

After going virtual in 2021, like many other Boys State programs, California Boys State returned to an in-person event for the 2022 session. But some...