caLegion Contributor

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  • caLegion Contributor

User Comments

... Kathy Friend

What a wonderful story!

... Sarah Bates

Lovely story that reminds me not only about romance but the American ideal; self-sacrafice to save others.

... K. Headd

What a fantastic story. Many thanks to Felix and Marguerite’s grandson for preserving and then sharing their amazing lives and for fighting for Marguerite’s right to be buried with all the honors she deserved.

... Kevin Stonestreet

Small but mighty. I’m so proud to be the District Commander of posts like this. Cheers.

... Web Team

Hello James,

I would suggest you visit our Veterans Service Officer web page. ( There you can find contact information for our Department of Califonia Veterans Service Officer in your area. They may be able to give you a hand.

For God and Country,

Rick Pushies
Department Web Team

... James Willson, (He=David E Willson

I am the father of a VA patient I took to the Shasta Regional Hospital. Not knowing about this notification requirement, he was filed as a general patient. When discharged to Rehab, with a possible heart blockage, he was placed in a NON VA care facility, l took him to the hospital on 29 November 20211 where he was analyzed for two weeks and then discharged to Copper Ridge, a non VA connected care facility where he still is on the 24th of November 2022… (He had been in the same hospital previously for similar problems. I would think they should have connected to vA during the admittance. I have spent thousnds and contacted many in VA as well as in the general area.
Now I am trying to get a statement as to what care is needed to let him go b ack to his homeless than 2 miles from the presesnt care facility.

... rudolph mosqueda

PACT Act, eliminates Nehmer backpay effective dates to 2022. Will this be appealed?

... Chris

These guys are magnificent! VET Tv are the same Patriots or associated with the same Patriots from Irreverent Warriors who sponsor they well attended Silkies Hikes! They get it! They are brilliant and I’m so excited that they will be at convention! We have so much to share with one another!

... Andrew Moothart

I’m a 100% disabled with two of my disabilities under agent orange. In 2010 I had open heart surgery quadruple bypass for ischemic heart disease, when I filled my claim the BA approved the heart disease but not hypertension. Now that hypertension has been added to the agent orange presumptive list, would I be eligible to now file a new claim and if approved be in titled to back pay from the date it was denied. I know my rating can’t go higher than the 100% so is it even worth it. Please give me an answer.

... Web Team

What would you like to know?

Rick Pushies