Nestor Aliga

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  • Nestor Aliga


VIDEO: National Commander visits Napa Post 113

On December 13, despite a major storm, National Commander Paul Dillard stopped for lunch at the historic Napa Post 113.

California American Legion convention adopts 11 resolutions

The Department of California convention was very successful despite being held virtually on June 26-27, 2021. These 11 resolutions were adopted.

WWII Veteran presented Chinese American WWII Veteran Congressional Gold Medal

OAKLAND, CA – APRIL 10: WWII Army veteran Harry Lew claps his hands before he is presented with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor during...

VA seeks feedback to guide new suicide prevention grant program

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published a notice in the Federal Register April 1, to solicit public feedback to guide implementation of... Post 603 Historian

Rep. Luria Introduces Landmark Legislation For Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits, Other Toxins April 1, 2021 Press Release WASHINGTON, D.C.— Congresswoman Elaine Luria today introduced legislation...

The Resolution: Great ideas grow from the ground up

If you know or see something that can improve the lives of our veterans, then please write a resolution as it is the initial step...

Naval Cemetery rededicated on Veterans Day

The refurbished Mare Island Naval Cemetery (MINC) in Vallejo was rededicated on Veterans Day by 200 socially-distanced, mask-wearing individuals in an outdoor, overcast, 60-degree, 5...

Manuel L. Quezon Post 603 installs 2018-19 officers

The historic American Legion Manuel L. Quezon Post 603 installed its newly elected officers on Aug. 21. Commander Robert Asercion thanked all the Legionnaires for their...

76th Pearl Harbor Day; Purple Heart Trail sign

American Legion Manuel L. Quezon Post 603 commemorated the 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day and celebrated Purple Heart Medal recipients by dedicating the newly-installed...