Newport Harbor Post 291 of Newport Beach, Calif., competes in the 2017 American Legion Color Guard Contest, held on Friday, August 18, 2017 at Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nev. (Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion)
With our Department Convention just a few months away, now is a good time to consider entering your Post, District, Auxiliary Unit, Sons Squadron, and Rider Chapters in this year’s Department Convention Color Guard Contest.
Submit the Color Guard Contest form, which can be found in the main menu under Members > Program Links, then scroll down the Legion Programs section.
This will be our 103rd Department Convention, and we are hoping to get many teams participating. We have opened the competition to our entire American Legion family, and each winner will receive an engraved plaque, to include a certificate of participation for every team member participating.
The competition is set for 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 24 and will take place at the Visalia Convention Center. As in the past, each team will go through the inspection process, noting all teams’ members are in good standing (membership paid for 2022). Entry forms will be made available via e-mail and the Department website (calegion.org). Deadline for submissions will be June 1, 2022 to Commission Chairman Jim T. Higuera.
Please note: If your team decides to participate in the National Color Guard competition (applications due July 22), you must compete at the Department level first. This year’s National competition will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. For a fun time at this year’s 103rd convention, join us and support your Color Guard Team.
For additional information, please contact your immediate Area Ritual Commission member:
Area 1: E. Paul Ball ercie.paul@att.net
Area 2: Janet Wilson pdcmd15@gmail.com
Area 3: Art Cope cope_art@yahoo.com
Area 4 Jim T. Higuera jthiguera@yahoo.com
Area 5: Chuck Camarato ccamarato@yahoo.com
Area 6: JR Duarte jrduarte22@gmail.com