Dev Madhavani of Connecticut speaks after being elected Secretary of the Senate at Boys Nation 2022 on July 23, 2022. Earlier in the evening, Andrew Dillard of Alabama, seated, was elected President Pro Tempore.
If the election for president pro tempore at American Legion Boys Nation is any indication, maybe rap battles could replace presidential debates in the future.
“Definitely not what I ever expected for the final two rounds of the election, but the people ask for what the people want, and we try to deliver,” said Andrew Dillard (Alabama Boys State).
With the vice presidential election at American Legion Boys Nation not taking place until Tuesday, the leader of the Boys Nation Senate for the first three days of the program is the president pro tempore elected on Saturday evening.
The race for the position began with seven candidates. After the first round of voting, Dillard trailed David Lee (Indiana), 29 percent to 22 percent. Raj Talati (South Carolina) was third, with 19 percent of the vote.
Dillard finally took the lead on Lee on the fourth ballot. But with a majority needed to win the election, it wasn’t until the sixth ballot, when only Dillard and Lee were still options, that the Federalist from Alabama emerged victorious.
First, though, the rap battle.
Between each vote in the election process, there’s a two-minute break for the candidates to campaign amid their senate colleagues.
“During that break, I found myself standing next to (him), a circle formed around us, everyone started chanting ‘Rap battle! Rap battle! Rap battle!’ And before we knew it, me and him were doing a freestyle, off-the-cuff rap battle,” Dillard said. “It was all love, nothing offensive, it was all just funny jokes. It was a great time.”
Another rap battle broke out between the final two candidates for secretary of the senate. That race saw Dev Madhavani (Connecticut) edge Will Nelson (North Dakota).
When one senator failed to vote on the final ballot, Madhavani and Nelson were tied with 48 votes apiece. That forced Dillard to cast the deciding vote for Madhavani, his fellow Adams Section senator.
“We have to understand that we have common goals and we all want to fight for the same country, and that is the unifying platform I believe in,” Madhavani said during his campaign speech.

Ryan Jung of California was elected president of the historic 75th session of Boys Nation in 2021.
The state of the union
Ryan Jung of California was elected president of the historic 75th session of Boys Nation in 2021. This year he’s back, on staff as a junior counselor for the Washington Section.
On Saturday morning, he gave a “state of the union” address.
“For me, Boys Nation wasn’t just a bunch of stump speeches and debates,” Jung said. “The conversations that I had with delegates through meals, on the bus and in our dorms before lights out, truly completed my experience here in Washington. …
“This opportunity to write and present legislation, voice your opinions … and cooperate with other ambitious young men from around the country builds the foundation for all of you to practice democracy, not merely bear witness to it.”
Jung urged the senators to take the lessons they learn this week back to their schools, and stay in touch with their fellow senators.
“This week, I urge you to prod, to interrogate and to dissect ideas — especially your own — and approach those who share them with unwavering compassion,” Jung said.
Time to work
After breakfast and raising the American and Boys Nation flags, the senators convened for an orientation session led by Boys Nation Program Director Past National Commander Tom Bock.
Bock reminded the senators that the program was theirs. “You’re going to be doing the talking, and the working,” he said.
That became official with their oath of office, administered by American Legion National Security Division Director Mario Marquez.
“I hope this week sparks a passion you may or may not know you have. … Have an open mind for that,” Marquez said before swearing in the senators of Boys Nation 2022.
After the oath of office, Legislative Director Tim Aboudara outlined the roles of Boys Nation’s elected officials and how the legislative process works in the Boys Nation Senate, which mirrors the U.S. Senate.
Saturday’s numbers
110 — The number of bills and resolutions submitted by the 98 Boys Nation senators prior to their arrival in D.C.
50,900 and counting — The number of plays of an Instagram reel of Friday night’s ice cream social through its first 24 hours on the Legion’s Instagram page.
Follow the happenings at American Legion Boys Nation at legion.org/boysnation, on YouTube at americanlegionHQ, and on social media on Twitter (@ALBoysNation) and Instagram (@theamericanlegion) with the hashtag #BoysNation2022.
Story originally published on Legion.org